Listing information
Pacific Basin Shares
Stock Code 2343.HK
Listing Date 14 July 2004
Listing Venue Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited
IPO Share Price HK$2.50
Currency HKD
Board Lot Size 1,000 shares
Shares Offered in the Global Offering 437 million shares
Post Offering Total Shares in Issue 5,285.38 million shares (as at 17 June 2024)
Convertible Bonds due 2025
Stock Code 40097 (Bloomberg: ZQ4106303, ISIN: XS2065522398)
Issuer PB Issuer (No.5) Limited
Guarantor Pacific Basin Shipping Limited
Issue Size US$175,000,000
Listing Date 11 December 2019
Maturity Date 10 December 2025
Bondholder Put Date  10 December 2023
Coupon 3% p.a. semi-annual in arrears on 10 June and 10 December
Redemption Price 100%
Conversion Price HK$1.42 with effect from 25 April 2024 (initial conversion price: HK$2.40)
Conversion Condition 20 January 2020 - 30 November 2025: Bondholders can convert all or some of their CB into shares
Stock Code 4573 (Bloomberg: EJ3743543, ISIN: XS0834718594)
Issuer PB Issuer (No.3) Limited
Guarantor Pacific Basin Shipping Limited
Issue Size US$123,800,000
Listing Date 24 October 2012
Maturity Date 22 October 2018
Bondholder Put Date and Price 22 October 2016 at par
Coupon 1.875% p.a. semi-annual in arrears on 22 April and 22 October
Redemption Price 100%
Conversion Price HK$3.58 with effect from 30 May 2016 (initial conversion price: HK$4.96)
Conversion Condition 2 Dec 2012 - 12 Oct 2018: Bondholders can convert all or some of their CB into shares
Stock Code 4319 (Bloomberg: EI1785019, ISIN: XS0493723968)
Issuer PB Issuer (No.2) Limited
Guarantor Pacific Basin Shipping Limited
Issue Size US$230,000,000 (US$191,400,000 as at 4 March 2015 after redeemed, repurchased and cancelled)
Listing Date 13 April 2010
Maturity Date 12 April 2016
Bondholder Put Date and Price 12 April 2014 at par
Coupon 1.75% p.a. semi-annual in arrears on 12 April and 12 October
Redemption Price 100%
Conversion Price HK$6.97 with effect from 27 April 2015 (initial conversion price: HK$7.98)
Conversion Condition Until 12 Jan 2011: No Conversion allowed
12 Jan 2011 - prior to 12 Jan 2014: Share price for 5 consecutive days > 120% conversion price
12 Jan 2014 - 5 Apr 2016: Share price > conversion Price
Stock Code 1606 (code in Bloomberg: XS0334902839)
Issuer PB Issuer Limited
Guarantor Pacific Basin Shipping Limited
Issue Size US$390,000,000 (Includes US$40,000,000 upsize)
Listing Date 20 December 2007
Maturity Date 1 February 2013
Bondholder Put Date and Price 1 February 2011 at par
Coupon 3.3% p.a. semi-annual in arrears on 1 February and 1 August
Redemption Price 100%
Conversion Price HK$19.21 with effect from 16 April 2008 (initial conversion price: HK$19.28)
Conversion Condition Until 20 September 2008: No Conversion allowed
20 Sep 2008 - prior to 3 Nov 2010: If share price for 5 consecutive days > 120% conversion price
3 Nov 2010 - 25 Jan 2013: If share price > conversion Price
Stock Code 5525 (Bloomberg: EK8490683, ISIN: XS1218192877)
Issuer PB Issuer (No.4) Limited
Guarantor Pacific Basin Shipping Limited
Issue Size US$125,000,000
Listing Date 9 June 2015
Maturity Date 3 July 2021
Bondholder Put Date and Price 3 July 2019 at par
Coupon 3.25% p.a. semi-annual in arrears on 3 January and 3 July
Redemption Price 100%
Conversion Price HK$2.96 with effect from 23 April 2019 (initial conversion price: HK$4.08)
Conversion Condition 19 July 2015 - 3 July 2019: Bondholders can convert all or some of their CB into shares

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