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Who we are

Pacific Basin Shipping (www.pacificbasin.com) is one of the world's leading owners and operators of modern Handysize and Supramax dry bulk vessels. We operate about 286 dry bulk ships, providing a quality service to over 460 customers including blue chip industrial producers, traders and users of dry bulk commodities. Pacific Basin is listed and headquartered in Hong Kong, with 4,500+ seafarers at sea and 392 shore-based staff in 14 offices in key locations around the world.

Pacific Basin was first established in 1987, listed on Nasdaq in 1994 and was purchased and privatised by a third party in 1996. The founding management team and former executives and employees established a new company in 1998, which was listed on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2004 and has grown into the Pacific Basin we know today. For details, please refer to our history page.

The Company employs approximately 392 shore-based staff in 14 offices worldwide.

Please refer to the Leadership Team section of this website.

The Remuneration Report in our Annual Report sets out Pacific Basin’s remuneration policies and amounts for all Executive Directors, Non-Executive Directors and senior management. Please refer to the Remuneration Report in our Annual Report for details.

What we do

We transport dry bulk commodities and break-bulk cargoes from and to major ports and smaller, less accessible ports around the world, using our large fleet of owned and chartered modern, shallow-draft and crane-fitted Handysize and Supramax bulk carriers.

Pacific Basin has bulit a strong name as a world leading owner and operator of modern Handysize and Supramax dry bulk ships. Our shipping business is customer focused, providing over 460 industrial users, traders and producers of dry bulk commodities with a high-quality, reliable and competitive freight service under spot and long-term cargo contracts. Our customers include the biggest names in minerals, metals, forestry products, agriculture and other commodities.

Handysize and Supramax bulk carriers are versatile ocean-going ships

  • Handysize and Supramax ships can carry 10,000-40,000 and 40,000-70,000 metric tonnes of cargo
  • They have five cargo holds – each with the volume of up to 6 olympic swimming pools. Our ships’ size and equipment can carry a broad range of commodities in bulk, bagged or bundled form, such as grain, minerals, fertiliser, steel and logs
  • Each is fitted with four cranes typically with 30-ton lifting capacity – that’s enough to lift 30 compact cars. Cranes enable self-loading and discharging in regions lacking sophisticated cargo handling infrastructure, such as ecologically sensitive logging rivers in the Pacific North West and ill-equipped ports in the developing world
  • Our ships are 170-190 metres long and 27-32 metres wide – that’s an area of more than 15 tennis courts. These proportions allow access to ports around the world including many that are restricted by shallow water, locks, narrow channels and tight river bends
  • While still large ships, their hulls only require a depth of 10-12 metres when fully loaded

We transport a mix of dry bulk cargoes around the world including Major Bulks comprising iron ore, coal and grain, and Minor Bulks such as metal ores and concentrates, bauxite and alumina, petcoke, salt and other minerals, agricultural products such as grains, fertiliser and sugar, and construction materials such as logs and forest products, cement, steel products and scrap. Refer to Customers – Cargoes & Trade Routes for more details.

Our customer-focused business model facilitates strong, direct relationships with over 460 industrial commodity producers, traders and end-users all over the world. They include the biggest names in mining, forestry products, agriculture, metals and other commodities.

Pacific Basin has a global presence with headquarters in Hong Kong and offices in Dalian, Tokyo, Dubai, London, Durban, Vancouver, Melbourne, Manila/Iloilo, Rio de Janeiro, Stamford, Singapore and Santiago. Please refer to Customers – Our Global Network for details.

We typically employ 20-24 crew on each of our dry bulk ships, ranging from the Master (or Captain) and Chief Engineer to Ordinary Seamen, officer cadets and trainee ratings. “22 Crew, 22 Owners” is a home-grown concept through which we empower and motivate our crew to manage our vessels with a pro-active safety culture, acting to mitigate risk in every task on board.

These are the Baltic Dry Index, Baltic Supramax Index and Baltic Handysize Index which are the daily spot market freight indices published by the Baltic Exchange. Please refer to Investors – Industry Information section.

Dry bulk ships, container ships and tankers carry cargoes in very different forms under different business models. Dry bulk ships carry major and minor bulk commodities and raw materials (such as coal, iron ore, grains and fertilisers, etc.) in homogeneous bulk form and sometimes in break-bulk form, while container ships carry containerised manufactured products and tankers carry oil and gas.

Our leadership position and our ambition come with responsibility. We are committed to maintaining high standards of corporate social responsibility through our pursuit of excellence in the areas of Workplace (including health and safety, labour standards, diversity and equal opportunity, and ethical and responsible business practices), Environment and Community.

  • Workplace:

Looking after our people by ensuring their safety, fostering a happy and fulfilling workplace, nurturing our talent and harnessing their performance potential, and following ethical and responsible business practices

  • Environment:

Understand and minimising our impact on the environment through energy-efficient and environmentally-friendly ship designs, technologies and practices at sea and ashore

  • Community:

Ensuring our responsible engagement in the communities in which we operate, such as the shipping industry, the seafarer community, Hong Kong and the ports where our ships trade, making positive contributions that support their and our longer-term sustainability.

Please refer to Sustainability / Corporate Social Responsibility section for more details.


Approximately 98% of our issued share capital is held by the public, with around 70% of held by institutional investors in Asia, Europe and North America, and the rest held mainly by corporations and private investors.

Stock Code
The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong - 2343
Bloomberg - 2343 HK
Reuters - 2343.HK

Convertible bonds ticker symbols
Convertible Bonds Due 2025
The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong – 40097
Bloomberg - ZQ4106303
ISIN – XS2065522398

Our Corporate Communications Policy is committed to ensuring all shareholders are informed of relevant information on a regular basis in order to evaluate our performance and prospects, to exercise their rights in an informed manner; and to engage actively with us.

We value open communications with all shareholders - this can augment the public’s understanding of Pacific Basin, increase recognition of our development and ultimately enhance shareholder value.

Detailed information is provided in annual and interim reports, which are supplemented by voluntary quarterly trading activities updates. We also schedule roadshows, telephone conferences, video webcasts and frequent investor presentations.

Shareholders are encouraged to maintain direct communication with the Company, and any questions may be directed to the Investor Relations department:

E-mail: ir@pacificbasin.com
Tel: +852 2233 7000

Please click here to review our Corporate Communication Policy.

Our distribution policy is to pay out dividends of at least 50% of our annual net profit (excluding vessel disposal gains). Any additional distribution can be in the form of special dividends and/or share buyback.

A Convertible Bond or CB is a type of bond that the holder can convert into shares of common stock in the issuing company at an agreed-upon price and time.

You may contact sell-side analysts directly at the contact details provided in Investors – Share Information – Research Coverage section for the relevant contacts.

We publish our interim results around the end of July and our annual results around the end of February each year. Please refer to Investors – Corporate Calendar section.

In addition to our Annual and Interim Results, we publish voluntary first quarter and third quarter trading updates. Please see Investors – News section to see our results announcements and quarterly trading updates.

Please send your enquiries and comments to ir@pacificbasin.com or call us at +852 2233 7000 and we will respond as quickly as possible.

You can subscribe to email alerts and follow us on social media channels including Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Youtube and WeChat. You can find more information in the Investor Contacts for Investors section and Media – Social Media section for details.

Annual General Meeting and Shareholders' questions

An Annual General Meeting is a meeting of the Company’s members (our shareholders) held annually by the Company at which every registered shareholder of the Company is entitled to attend and vote on the resolutions tabled.

Please refer to the Investors - Corporate Calendar section for details.

It is usual practice at each AGM for the Company (and other listed companies) to seek from its shareholders a general mandate to issue new shares, as such mandate gives the Company the flexibility to raise additional capital in the subsequent 12 months without having to seek shareholders’ specific approval for each new share issue. Such issue of new shares can be used to fund expansion and other investment under the Company’s business plan such as the acquisition of additional vessels, etc.

It is usual practice at each AGM for the Company (and other listed companies) to seek from its shareholders a general mandate to repurchase shares even though the Directors may not intend to pursue a repurchase of shares at the time of the AGM. The Board would exercise its power to repurchase shares only in circumstances in which they consider such share repurchase to be in the best interests of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole, and in circumstances where they consider that the shares can be repurchased on terms favourable to the Company.

The Branch Share Registrar of the Company in Hong Kong is Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited.

Email: hkinfo@computershare.com.hk
Tel: +852 2862 8555
Fax: +852 2865 0990

Please contact Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited at the following contact details:

Email: hkinfo@computershare.com.hk
Tel: +852 2862 8555
Fax: +852 2865 0990

You may contact your brokers/bankers if your shares are held through them. Alternatively, if you hold your shares in physical share certificate form (i.e. you are the registered shareholder of the Company), you may contact Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services directly and ask for their assistance. Non receipt of dividends may be due to incorrect or outdated bank accounts details or correspondence address on record with the Branch Share Registrar.

You may contact Computershare HK Investor Services Limited at:
Email: hkinfo@computershare.com.hk
Tel: +852 2862 8555
Fax: +852 2865 0990

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